Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ryan's Review: Twitter- An acceptable alternative to the news?

In order to properly review "Twitter", I'm going to write this blog in less than 140 characters!
It'll be like a haiku!
A Ry-ku, if you will.
Obviously, I'm joking, because with that period, I officially crossed over to 141 characters.
Twitter! What is it? How can I best describe Twitter?
I want you to imagine a giant bulletin board, a pack of sticky notes, and a sharpie.
You can write whatever you want on that sticky note and then put it on the bulletin board.
Other people can post notes too, in fact, they can put a note next to yours and reply!
They can copy your note and share it with others or save it themselves for later!
That's what Twitter is.
It's a giant online bulletin board with millions and millions of little thoughts by people all around the world.
Some people use it to express emotions, some people use it to express opinions, hell, I use it to shamelessly promote my own work! (Hey! Blogger too! and Bleacher Report just saying)
If there's an opinion to be had, a theory to be thought, or... a parody account for a celebrity to be found, it can be found on twitter.
While many see Twitter as a vapid, pointless, mind-melting way for teenagers to complain about how their parents won't let them go out this weekend, I see it in a different light.
See, essentially every big news outlet, business, or even presidential candidate are on Twitter.
If you follow the right people... You can get all the news about anything you care to know about, summarized, and literally in the palm of your hand.
I'm monitoring the presidential race, but I also love my sports, but I also wanna know about concerts coming near me!
So if I follow all the big candidates, as well as multiple news outlets (Gotta get the extreme right and left to get the 50 shades of gray), Bleacher Report, and concert venues near me... It saves me a ton of time and energy!
I don't have to constantly google "concerts near me", I don't have to listen to a singular bias experience, and I don't have to travel the internet looking for multiple scores in different sports!
So... while the "One Directioners" and "Beliebers" may pollute the internet with their constant whining and terrifying hero worship... by simply following the right people, you can turn a negative into a massive positive.

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